
Business schools even suggest leadership styles that could make a leader “dynamic,” “transformational”—a lot of buzz words that really don’t mean a thing if the leader doesn’t have good character and integrity. I have had success and failure as a ministry leader and have witnessed many leaders come and go. Godly leaders must be willing to be guided by spiritual principles such as these…
As part of this thing called life, many of us experienced crises connected to the global COVID-19 pandemic. Don’t get discouraged or dismayed because God is still who He says He is. He’s going to do (and has done) what He said He was going to do. As believers…
Someone recently asked me, “How do you balance family and ministry? How do you make that all work…

Ministers and leaders experience issues like divorce, kids being in rebellion, and grieving the loss of loved ones just like anyone else—it’s called life. But they experience these things on a well-lit stage in the midst of being leaders to others. Who do they go to in order to deal with their issues? Better yet, who does the doctor go to when he needs to be healed? The answer is rather simple: they must develop “behind the veil” relationships to get different perspectives on the matter. The Bible says there is safety in a multitude of wisdom, so we must become accountable to one another—no silos and no isolation.

Trying to navigate through the nuances of the COVID-19 pandemic has left many in a state of depression and suicide ideation and surprisingly Christians are counted in the number. However, prior to the pandemic, there had been a rising number of clergy, (pastors included), who were taking their lives fueled by depression. This unnerving trend is the focus of this article. My purpose is to expose the spirit of depression, how it has infiltrated the church, and how it can be defeated.