Rest in Faith

In the realm of leadership, we often hear about the importance of action, vision, and tenacity. But there’s another vital ingredient to successful leadership that often goes unsung: rest. We’re not just talking about a good night’s sleep here, but a deeper kind of rest—a spiritual rest rooted in faith. This kind of rest is not only beneficial but essential for leaders, and achieving it may not be as straightforward as you might think. Why is this rest so elusive for many leaders? There are two main reasons. First, we often misunderstand what genuine rest is. How can you recognize if you’re truly resting if you’re unsure what it looks like? Secondly, many of us doubt its attainability. After all, leadership is all about action, right?

Here’s a different way to look at it: “I am endeavoring to rest in faith.” Sounds contradictory, doesn’t it? But rest in this context is not inactivity, rather, it’s finding peace amid your efforts. It’s carrying out your duties with tranquility, not anxiety. It’s a deep-seated trust and reliance, a total dependence on a higher power. As a leader, it means trusting the process, having confidence in your abilities, and placing faith in your team. It sounds ideal, but how can you put this into practice? The book of James tells us that faith without works is dead, implying that genuine faith needs action to come alive. So, think of acting on faith like breathing—it’s what keeps us alive. Faith and action are symbiotic: faith without action is as lifeless as a body without breath.

What drives you to act? It all starts with belief, which originates from the heart. As a leader, your actions should reflect your deepest beliefs. When you truly believe in something, it is evident in your actions. Connecting the dots, your actions are a mirror to your heart, so they naturally evolve as your heart changes. Consider the biblical example of Abraham, who offered his son Isaac as a sacrifice, an act born from his deep-rooted faith in God. His faith was so profound that he perceived the sacrifice as worship, knowing God’s faithfulness in his heart. This act, devoid of worry, doubt, or fear, was credited to him as righteousness, demonstrating that true belief manifests as restful action.

So, as a leader, how do you know if you’re resting in faith? If you say you believe but are consistently worried, stressed, or burdened, you’re not resting. An essential part of restful leadership is learning to delegate, trust others, and release your burdens. A lack of restful faith could indicate an underlying unbelief that’s preventing you from reaching your full leadership potential.  In a world where “I believe” is often tossed around carelessly, we must remember that the true evidence of belief is rest. Therefore, make it your mission to strive for that place of rest. Immerse yourself in success stories and understanding the power of grace. Let your faith-inspired actions stem from a place of deep belief. That’s where you’ll find true rest.

Once you attain this state of rest, you’ll unlock a world of possibilities. It’s not about doing everything yourself, but about allowing a higher power to work through you. In this place of rest, you’ll realize that effective leadership is not just about relentless action, but also tranquil reflection and trust. Remember, laboring to enter a place of rest doesn’t mean shirking responsibilities. Rather, it’s about creating a balance that fosters creativity, productivity, and peace. As a leader, finding this balance allows you to operate not just from your own strength, but also with the aid of faith and trust. This restful leadership approach creates a space where amazing things can happen, not because of your efforts alone, but because of a harmonious blend of action and faith.